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Self-regulated organizations


Is a member of:
  • Self-regulated organization — Association of Construction Companies "STROY-ALLIANCE"
  • Self-regulatory organization — Association of Construction Designers "StroyAllianceProekt"
What does this mean?
Membership in self-regulated organizations is the only way to legally provide architectural and structural design services.

Our membership allows us to:
  • Perform government contracts and participate in government procurement under Federal Law No. 44 and Federal Law No. 223
  • Enter into contracts with customers, developers, as well as any legal entities and individual entrepreneurs
Work authorizations
As a member of a self-regulated organization, we are authorized:

  • To prepare design documentation for construction of capital objects (except for highly hazardous, technically complex and unique facilities, nuclear power facilities)
  • To construct, reconstruct, overhaul and demolish capital construction objects
Level of responsibility
As a member of self-regulated organizations, we are authorized:

  • to perform works of the first level of responsibility (for the total cost of no more than 25 million rubles) under contracts for the preparation of project documentation
  • to perform works of the first level of responsibility (for the total cost of no more than 25 million rubles)


115419, Moscow, 5-th Donskoy Proezd, 4
Business Park Ordzhonikidze 11
115419, Moscow,
5-th Donskoy Proezd, 4
Business Park Ordzhonikidze 11